English Sayings & Idioms

Posted by James Briggs on February 08, 2000

In Reply to: English Sayings & Idioms posted by ESC on February 08, 2000

: : : I have a list of about 500 phrases, many of which you don't seem to have. I've found out the origin of most,
: : : eg a better one for Catch 22 than you have - why was the book called Catch 22 is the real question, not
: : : how the title came to be used as it is! There are too many phrases to put the origins on my little site,
: : : but perhaps I could be linked with yours to give even more phrases for people to argue over!
: : : The page address is:
: : : www.madasafish.com/ ~jbriggs/idioms list.htm

: : Is this link typed accurately? It isn't working for me...

: Try www.madasafish.com/ ~jbriggs/idioms%20list.htm

Sorry! the address is www.madasafish.com/ jbriggs/~jbriggs/idioms%20list.htm
I will be posting a complete list of "my" origins in the very near future, under my general web address od www.madasafish.com/ ~jbriggs