Blow the pop stand

Posted by MichaelFR on March 23, 2004

In Reply to: Blow the pop stand posted by Miri Barak on March 23, 2004

: The context: a guy tries to rob a convenince store with a hammer, but of course he fails.

: "Of course, a hammer doesn't exactly have a smart lock. Anyone can use it, just like the clerk who picks it up and whales it at his assailant.
: Even though the clerk misses, our guy takes the hint and *blows that pop stand without a dime, and without his Sand's hammer*. But careful, he may be back with needle nose pliers.

: What I understood concerning the passage within stars that he hits the soft drinks stand and leaves without his hammer (I decided to drop the Sand thing, I think it is an allusion to a major crime committed with a hammer.

: please correct me if I'm wrong which is quite possible.

: Thank a lot.

Check this out, it's in archives 4, may help you:
Pop stand - Kim 03/28/00