
Posted by ESC on February 09, 2004

In Reply to: Bunny Boiler: we need more categories posted by Bob on February 08, 2004

: : : : : : Does any one know of a phase for the male equivalent of a 'Bunny Boiler'? Thanks.

: : : : : Weirdly, I'm not sure there is one. I think we just call them stalkers.

: : : : I agree. The word "stalker" conjures up a man.

: : : : There probably is a male equivalent to bunny boiler (see below) but I can't call it up. Bluebeard is a serial wife murderer. But that's not the same thing.

: : : : Bunny boiler -- referring to the Glenn Close character who boils the pet bunny belonging to her ex- married lover's little girl.

: : : : essential video
: : : : Fatal Attraction -- The date movie of the late 1980s, this had everyone arguing in the aisles. Does Michael Douglas deserve the unwanted attention he and his family are receiving at the hands of loony stalker Glenn Close? After a weekend extramarital affair with colleague Close, he returns home to wife Anne Archer, and Close becomes progressively angrier. You might even say she is boiling bunny mad.

: : : She's a woman scorned, but there are stalkers of more than one kind: the Resentful Rejected, the Loony Obsessed, the Dazzled Droolers, to invent three categories. Think OJ, John Hinkley, and many autograph seekers.

: : I have put the question to some 20-something/30-something people. OK. So how about O.J. = resentful rejected. Hannibal = loony obsessed. That leaves Dazzled Droolers.

: Dazzled droolers = the people lining the red carpet 12 hours ahead of the Academy Awards, or the people with the clipboards on NFL Draft Day ... or, well, almost all autograph seekers.

That's Rupert Pupkin. Did you see "King of Comedy"?