Question from Middlemore Hospital

Posted by Miri Barak on February 04, 2004

I'm translating an episode of this series and I have some incomprehensible sayings: (it's in Auckland new zealand).

The context is emergency exercise in the hospital:

She says: "Loud and clear". My quetion, does it mean "speak louder, I can't hear you", or is it a kind of Hello or a greeting?

in the middle of the exercise where fake injured keep coming in, suddenly a real wounded arrives and the nurse starts looking after him. she says:
"But that also *threw the clericals* because I kept coming saying "this is real, this is a real patient".
threw the clericals - does it mean that the clerks at the hospital were confused by the event?

"we're gonna do an update and do a press release before we call the exercise *stand down*"
Before we say it is finished? could it be also stand on? it's not clear in the video.

I know it's a lot of questions (and not easy ones)
and I am grateful for any attempt or clue.