"Evil" doesn't fit your image 'Wise One'?

Posted by Lotg on December 07, 2003

In Reply to: Take the Christ out of Christmas posted by The Wise One on December 07, 2003

: : In the latest display of 'politically correct' insanity, the mayor of Sydney declared that a Christmas Carol event should not include any carols that made any reference to the word 'Christ' in it, lest it should offend people of other religious persuasions.

: : Help me here? Am I daft? What does she plan to do with the word 'Christmas'? Will she simply celebrate 'mas'? Isn't Christ supposed to be what Christmas is all about?

: : I'm not even a Christian and I struggle to figure out this bizarre piece of logic. What's more, every other non-Christian I have spoken to so far - this includes a Jew, Muslim, some people of other 'pagan' persuasions, haven't had the slightest problem with carols that make reference ot Christ.

: : I wonder if for example, the Jewish community chose to have a public event (which they often do) involving their own religious references, whether she would dare to censor their songs.

: : Methinks not. There would be an outrage. It would be viewed as vilification or something.

: : Am I missing something? Does anyone actually agree with our 'esteemed' lady mayoress? Oops, sorry, apparently that's not correct either. Apparently, Lucy Turnbull is referred to as our Lord Mayor. Again I struggle. How on earth can a woman, be a Lord? Suddenly Lord has become generic?

: : Lord give me strength! Oh sorry, I'm not a Christian. Well alright, then I call on all the gods & goddesses.

: I have a very limited amount of sympathy with all the views expressed and personally am of the opinion that were the world to outlaw all forms of religion we would live in a much better society unencumbered by the need to pay lip service to myths and legends and, in many cases, downright evil dogmas.

Fair enough, but I think the need to 'outlaw' any religious beliefs with such conviction is a dogma in itself.

What are you saying 'wise one', you want to "outlaw" free thought and speech? Where would we Phrase Finders be if we took your thoughts literally?

I'm neither a Christian nor do I believe in any particular religion, and I tend to concur that most if not all of these things are based on myths and legends, but I wouldn't begrudge anyone who does have religious beliefs, and think anyone who does begrudge same must be insecure in their own thoughts.

Nor do I begrudge a bit of myth and legend. That can be good stuff. Don't forget that myth and legend have formed the foundation of nations. And I think there are elements of truth that go into building the myth and legend. It no doubt goes back to tribal times, but has been a useful tool in teaching, learning and communication and I think has an incredibly important place in our history. I agree that it's probably been taken out of context on many occasions, but I'm not sure we should think we're so clever as to assume it's all untrue. There are still things unexplained, and while I'm not happy to accept fairy stories carte blanche to explain them, it doesn't mean some of them might not be true, or might not contribute to a way of finding the truth.

I must admit however, that I think we often confuse the myth and legend with reality, but I suspect more of us are guilty of that than we might like to admit.

I don't feel threatened by other people's religious beliefs (unless they directly try to force them on me of course), so that's why I find the need to 'censor' the word 'Christ' out of a Christian festival, facile, moronic, stupid and pointless. And I re-iterate that those people of other beliefs, religious or otherwise, that I have spoken to, feel secure enough in their own beliefs not to feel threatened when someone who thinks differently wants to express so. So I still consider this so called kind of "politically correct" censorship to be just plain stupid, low IQ, rubbish.

But hey, that's only my opinion. But then that's the point I'm making. I'm entitled to my opinion, and so are those people expressing their religious beliefs, again with the proviso, that they don't force them on me or anyone else.

So, 'wise one', even if you do think it's all just lip service to myths and legends and, in many cases, downright evil dogmas, surely it's nice to be able to live in a country where you have the right to express that stuff?

Oh - and I'm interested to note you used the word 'evil'. Funny word to use when you don't believe in all that stuff???? 'Evil' is surely not a word used by someone who infers no spiritual attachments?