Distance learning programmes?

Posted by Smokey Stover on December 04, 2003

In Reply to: Distance learning programmes? posted by Anders on December 02, 2003

: : : : : As I realize I'm increasingly becoming language bent and grammar bound, I thought I ought to enrol in a class dedicated to this purpose, thus taking the strain off this board, which, after all, is primarily serving the interest in the origin of phrases and sayings. So, if you know if any good programmes on the topic of English language and grammar, please let me know. As I live in Denmark, and we don't seem to have any courses suited to my needs, I would prefer to enrol at a university abroad. This means the course must be designed as distance learning (e-learning).
: : : : : Thank you
: : : : : Anders

: : : : I don't know of any. But I'm sure they exist.

: : : Try The Open University at www.open.ac.uk/

: : Thanks, James. They have a grammar course coming up in 2005 which could be good.

: Searching for distance learning programmes, I have come upon the iCDL portal, which is massive. Unfortunately the course descriptions are much too brief. I'm still very much undecided. If I can't find a language course suited to my needs - and I won't wait until 2005 - I'll do one in creative writing instead. Lord, I always wanted to do that!
: Anders

Please, Anders, sign up for a writing program. And demand a teacher who will be really tough on you, not because your English is weak, but because you will only progress if your teacher holds your feet to the fire. Try to find the opportunity to write about things you really know about, so that you can write with enthusiasm as well as knowledge. If your teacher is too complaisant, look for someone tougher. Forget about ESL or grammar programs. You'll never learn a damn thing from them. Your writing is good, and can only improve, if you get a teacher who means business. Otherwise you're wasting time and money. Good cess to you! SS