You say "hanged", I say "hung"?

Posted by Word Camel on November 14, 2003

In Reply to: 'hung', drawn and quartered posted by Harikrishnan Menon on November 14, 2003

: : : : Only game is 'hung'. The correct term is hanged, forgive me for being a pedant.

: : :
: : : Pedants should always ensure that they do the necessary research and are well informed otherwise they appear foolish.

: : "The stockings were hanged by the window with care...."?

: We had a little discussion on this elsewhere.

I wonder if this is one of those instances when American English uses a verb form that isn't often used in the UK? For some reason, I'm thinking American English often retains the older form. Off the top of my head (and before caffeine) I'm thinking of swim, swam, swum. I know 'hanged' is preferred for people in standard English but I'm curious about the fact that 'hung, drawn and quartered' is the phrase we seem to use. Any thoughts? I think Bill Bryson discusses this in Made in America or Mother Tongue. I'll try to look it up today.

Who is departing for London tomorrow (Oh joy!)