
Posted by ESC on October 15, 2003

In Reply to: Coed posted by Henry on October 15, 2003

: : : Do you know what are co-ed schools? What qualities do they have?

: : From Merriam-Webster online:

: : Main Entry: 1co·ed
: : Pronunciation: 'kO-(")ed
: : Function: adjective
: : Date: 1889
: : 1 : of or relating to a coed
: : 2 : of or relating to coeducation
: : 3 : open to or used by both men and women

: What qualities do they have? In England, parents desire their daughters to go to a girls' school but their sons to go to a mixed school. As you will realise, it is difficult to satisfy both wishes.

I am not an educator. But I can tell you that most public schools (in the U.S. that means schools supported by tax money) have coed classes, boys and girls together. However, there's been a move recently to separate the students into "single-sex" classes. Not everyone agrees that is a good idea. If you will go to the U.S. Department of Education site and search under "single-sex" you will have access to several documents including the following press release.