Astor's pet horse

Posted by ESC on September 08, 2003

In Reply to: Astor's pet horse posted by RSA on September 08, 2003

: : : I have used and heard the phrase "dressed up like(Lady/Mrs.)Astor's pet horse" but cannot find the origin. Who out there can help me? Thanks.

: : I suggest that you look up/google "Lady Nancy Astor" - sparring partner of Sir Winston Churchill.

: "like Nancy Astor's plush horse" turns out to be a quote from some American book called "Killing..." (McGee?) which seems to be about Boxcar Willie or somesuch character. Anyway, it appears Astor was a follower of equine pursuits as well as being a ground-braking feminist "I married beneath me, all women do"

Boxcar Willie? He is a country singer from the U.S.