
Posted by Brian from Shawnee on October 09, 2003

In Reply to: Help ! posted by Bruce Kahl on October 01, 2003

: : Beaumont's Angels (= there are 6 of us, teaching English at "Lycée Beaumont, Redon, Britanny, France")are getting desperate ! we 're having a tough time finding some coherent grammatical rule we could give our students about the pronounciation of the adjectives finishing with "-ed". Why do you say "crooked"[-id], "wicked" [-id],"legged" [-id]...and "eyed" [aid],"barbed"(wire) [barbd]...?
: : Any help welcome !

: Why?
: Cause we are the US of A and can do anything we want--take out people we don't like, terrorize people, bomb innocents, imprison citizens who speak out and generally swagger drunkenly around the globe causing terrible misery.

: Now back to the real question you asked:
: I am sure some word smith that populates this region of the internet will surely help you soon.

Bruce, I don't know if your irony was intentional. They do speak English in countries besides the US of A, don't they?