
Posted by Barney on June 25, 2003

In Reply to: Blagging posted by Gary on June 24, 2003

: : BLAGGING - Gate-crashing. "Prince William's uninvited party guest has earned his stripes in that most underhand of society sports - blagging.blagging one's way into a society do requires a different arsenal of duplicitous techniques." From "Blag of tricks" by Jonathan Duffy, BBC News Online. June 24, 2003.

: You'd think he would have needed blagging skills of the first water. Apparently though he just went up to the policeman on the door (dressed in the nicely unconspicous false beard and pink ballgown) and said 'please let me in'.

As it happened, he climbed over a wall - which adjoins a school and was, in former years, patrolled by soldiers in uniform - was stopped by a contractors employee who passed him on to a policeman inside the castle. The policeman then believed his story that he was a drunken guest who had got lost and guided him to the party. That was a real 'blagging' effort on his part.