Nipple Nazis

Posted by Word Camel on May 14, 2003

In Reply to: Nipple Nazis posted by TheFallen on May 14, 2003

: While driving home from work the other day, I was flipping through various radio stations and came across a discussion on breast feeding, undoubtedly occasioned by the British Government's health czars deciding to issue advice that ideally, babies should be fed nothing but breastmilk for the first six months of their lives. Various new mothers were being interviewed as to their reaction to this. One, when dismissively describing those earth mother types who view any woman who doesn't breastfeed her child with utter scorn, regardless of reason, came up with the wonderful phrase "nipple nazis". I just had to share.

This is also the nickname given to my mother-in-law by her daughters. She is a card carrying member of the La Leche League. "La Leche League" to my mind, always conjures up images of buxom Italian fascisti marching aroung in uniforms. They're really not a bad lot, but it's an unfortunate name.