Phrase meaning

Posted by ESC on January 20, 2000

In Reply to: Phrase meaning posted by Bob on January 20, 2000

: : : : what does "Don't fall on your sword" mean?

: : : If you mean the line from the song by U2, in "Numb" from the "ZOOROPA" album, then I think he is suggesting to be spiritually aware and strong.
: : : A sword is usually used in self-defense. He is saying not to trip and let the sword hurt you instead of defending or helping you.
: : : Religion vs Spirituality
: : : I hope this all makes sense!

: : : Don't fill out any forms
: : : Don't compensate
: : : Don't cower
: : : Don't crawl
: : : Don't come around late
: : : Don't hover at the gate

: : : Don't take it on board
: : : Don't fall on your sword
: : : Just play another chord
: : : If you feel you're getting bored

: : Isn't "falling on your sword" also referring to a death-before-dishonor thing? A soldier falling on his or her own sword before allowing defeat. Or something like that.

: Yeah. Romans. Macho excess. A noble, futile gesture that one is well advised to forego.

I agree. I'm from the "feets don't fail me now" school of conflict resolution.