Found phrase - Martha moms

Posted by ESC on February 11, 2003

MARTHA MOMS - "You know them by the cookies they send to kindergarten - all the animals in Noah's ark carefully painted in six colors of glossy smooth icing.

Their Christmas cards always shine, tauntingly, in the mailbox on Dec. 1 - and not satisfied with photo cards from Costco, they instead make their own with metallic ribbon and arty black-and-white photographs that, of course, they took themselves.

They are moms who decorate one cake with their children and then save another to adorn on their own - ensuring its perfection.

They are moms for whom Martha Stewart is the goddess of handmade crafts, not a stock market scandal. They are, simply, 'Martha moms.'."

"Martha moms go all out," by Arizona Republic, Laura Trujillo, The Arizona Republic, Jan. 17, 2003. Accessed online February 11, 2003. home/food/articles/0117marthamoms17.html