Cherry Pop

Posted by Lewis on February 07, 2003

In Reply to: Pop one's cherry posted by S. on February 05, 2003

: : : Does anyone know where this phrase comes from? I obviously know what it means but would love to know its origins!

: : Well, if memory serves, women bleed when they "lose" their virginity. Blood is red. Cherries are red. Then there's the forbidden fruit element. That's all I know about that.

: The "cherry" in question, I believe, refers to the hymen, which is ruptured ("popped") when a girl has sex for the first time.

Guesswork here - BUT if it is a relatively modern expression, it might be because you can only lose your virginity once - and you only get one cherry on top of a sundae/cake. The original expression was to "lose your cherry" not 'popping' it and whilst the idea of blood-red fruit might have some credence, cherries normally come in pairs (oo-er missus) and a single cherry only occurs in desserts - being the special treat.
I don't see the need to comment on the copious amounts of whipped-cream that come with sundaes.