Brass Monkey weather

Posted by Gary on January 27, 2003

In Reply to: Brass Monkey weather posted by gradivus on January 27, 2003

: The archives here contains much discussion about this and the URBAN MYTHS that "Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey" had to do with ships, cannon balls, or pawn broker signs.

: The best evidence I've seen is that whencever it derived, "brass monkey" originally meant a "really tough monkey" or person (racist reference to dark-skinned laborers?).

: The reason I say this is that "When references to 'brass monkeys' started appearing in print in the mid-19th century, they did not always mention balls or cold temperatures. It was sometimes cold enough to freeze the ears, tail, nose, or whiskers off a brass monkey. Likewise, it was sometimes hot enough to 'scald the throat' or 'singe the hair' of a brass monkey." (source of quote: language/stories/brass.htm)

Nothing to do with monkeys (more of a hobby horse), but cold temperatures - arghh. High or low yes, cold no. Likewise, fast speeds, cheap prices and similar linguistic crimes.