Put your money where your mouth is translated

Posted by Tharis on December 12, 2002

In Reply to: Put your money where your mouth is translated posted by queixadinha on December 11, 2002

: I would really really really appreciate it if anybody with german as their native tongue would translate the phrase "put your money where your mouth is", not literally of course, but just to know how you would say this in german
: thanx a lot
: queixadinha

Hallo Queixadinha

This a difficult task I have been given... I'm from Germany (at the moment doing Bitrish Studies at University.. Ok, I'm in first semester.) but this is really hard. Maybe it would be easier to translate it if I knew the context, for there seems to be no adequate translation to it.
"Wer A sagt, muss auch B sagen." would be quite good, I guess. It means that if you promised to do something, you should really do it. => "Den Worten Taten folgen lassen." would be adequate, too.
As far as I can see, "put your money where your mouth is" refers to a situation in which trade is involved. Could you also use it in a different context, or is it strictly applied to this one? If it is merely the same as "put up or shut up", "Lass den Worten Taten folgen" or "Wer A sagt, muss auch B sagen" is a good translation. Maybe you could just tell me in which situation you'd like to use it, that would be helpful. If you like, I could ask one of my tutors, they are more familiar with this topic, I guess.

In diesem Sinne: Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende(Regards, have a nice weekend),