Why with the museums and restaurants (reprised)

Posted by TheFallen on December 09, 2002

In Reply to: Why with the museums and restaurants posted by Tom on December 09, 2002

: Hi!

: Seems like my first try has failed.

: I don't know how to interpret the following sentence in B. what is a subject and a verb?

: A: This heat is unbearable. If only we fd gone to the beach instead.
: @
: B: Why with the museums and restaurants in Washington, I'd be happy here no matter what the weather.

: Thanks for your help.

: Tom

Further to Bob's explanation below, your confusion here is probably caused partially by bad punctuation, but mainly by the word "why". "Why" in your sentence B is *not* a conjunction, but an interjection, here implying mild surprise and disagreement. So, to repunctuate sentence B:

Why, with the museums and restaurants in Washington, I fd be happy here, no matter what the weather.

It's a little tortuous in form, and could be re-expressed as follows:-

Why, I'd be happy here in Washington with its museums and restaurants, no matter what the weather (might be like).

The subject of the sentence is the pronoun "I", governing the verb "to be" in its conditional tense - "would be". There's no object to the verb, because "to be" doesn't necessarily require one.