zero clearance

Posted by Robert on November 22, 2002

In Reply to: Zero clearance posted by Tiko on November 20, 2002

: "Zero clearance"

: I hear people talk about this now that it's getting colder outside.
: Is this a phrase or an item. Someone I asked said it had something to do with safety.

I,ve heard that term in relation to the NYC subway, where the trains move through the tunnels that are tight on the sides. Unless a track-worker were standing in a pre-built recessed area, he would be a victim of "zero tolerance" had a train passed. In reality, there is a little less than a foot of clearance on the wall-sides of the subway, but if you are unfortunate enough to be stuck there, it may as well be zero.
The only other times I've heard that phrase is from friends of mine who are carpenters, while discussing "dadoes" (a curious term on its own). or in relation to table routers. I imagine the term could have many uses.