Going commando

Posted by R. Berg on October 23, 2002

In Reply to: Going commando (Bob's fault) posted by ESC on October 23, 2002

: : : You may blame Bob entirely for my asking this one.

: : : Even in the UK we've realised that going commando means going out wearing no underwear, but why? I seriously doubt that I am meant to believe that elite US military forces have entirely rejected skivvies for some arcane tactical reason - so, the reason for this phrase is... ?

: : I am being unreliably informed that, in the steamy humid jungles of 'Nam, wearing underwear made one especially prone to what was delightfully termed as "crotch rot". I'll be ever so grateful for an alternative explanation, please.

: Out there and loving it, as Kramer says.

My husband says a Navy SEAL told him the SEALs--not commandos exactly, but close--had a custom of omitting underwear. No connection to fungal diseases was mentioned. It was just a custom. Many Americans wore underwear in Viet Nam and came home with intact crotches.