French proverbs

Posted by R. Berg on February 06, 2002

In Reply to: French expressions posted by TM on February 06, 2002

: I was actually looking for french expressions that can be translated into english litteraly....
: For example:
: he who risks nothing has nothing - qui ne risque rien n'a rien
: or
: Money is the root of all evil-l'argent est la racine de tous les maux

: I am not quite sure what is was that people posted in reply to my question.... but it wasn't what I was looking for. I guess I wasn't clear with my question, sorry :) So there are some examples of what I am looking for. Can anyone come up with some more???

I found a site that has many French proverbs (use link below or If you read French, you can determine whether the proverbs listed there have well-known English equivalents.

The site also has a page of English proverbs, with French translations. The English proverbs come from an old book, and many are unfamiliar to me. I reproduce a few here for their entertainment value:
A blithe heart makes a bloomy visage.
Seldom comes a better.
No butter will stick to my bread.
There is craft in daubing.
Dumb folks get no land.