
Posted by TheFallen on March 14, 2002

In Reply to: Ah yes, but then we'd have to change it to... posted by Word Camel on March 14, 2002

: : : : : : : : I don't have any questions. Just thought this was kind of curious.

: : : : : : : : March 12, 2002

: : : : : : : : Committee approves official Latin motto for Kentucky

: : : : : : : : FRANKFORT -- The Latin phrase "Deo gratiam habeamus" would become
: : : : : : : : Kentucky's official Latin motto under legislation approved today by a House committee.

: : : : : : : : The phrase translates to: "Let us be grateful to God."

: : : : : : : And just think... because Latin is no longer offered in most American schools, no one will be the wiser.

: : : : : : The state motto for Oklahoma is "Oklahoma is OK" After living there a short time, I discovered the reason why they chose this as the state motto. Not a soul there could spell mediocre even if they wanted to do so.

: : : : : ...and there's me thinking that the state motto of Kentucky was "Ecce mater! Alius equus sanguineus!"

: : : : : (With slight apologies :)

: : : : OK. What does it mean?

: : :
: : : That it means " Look Ma! Another bloddy horse!"

: : That's not such a bad Latin motto. Maybe I'll propose it as an alternative. The Queen herself visits occasionally to check out the horses here.

: "Look Mam! Another bloody horse!"

"Mam" is what people in the North-East of England call their mothers. I'm more than certain that Elizabeth II would be fractionally less perturbed if the motto were altered to...

"Look Ma'am! Another bloody horse!"