Who said: "Great things can happen whem man and mountain meet"

Posted by Bruce Kahl on May 08, 2002

In Reply to: Who said: "Great things can happen whem man and mountain meet" posted by Barney on May 07, 2002

: : Does anybody know who said: 'Great things can happen whem man and mountain meet' + what do you thinks it's means.
: : thanks

: Can't say I've ever heard the expression, but it's a great slogan for a mountaineering club.

I found a few web-based wild-carded references to your quote. The origins range from Richard Nixon to Fidel Castro to Jimmy Hendrix.

I saw 2 sites that agreed on Thoreau:
"When man and mountain meet great things happen."
-Henry David Thoreau

I then visited some Thoreau search engines and could not verify the source.

Here are some of my wild-cards if you want to finish on your own:

"great * can *"

"* things can * "

" * man and * "

"great * mountain * "

Good luck!!