Wolf whistle

Posted by ESC on April 13, 2002

In Reply to: Wolf whistle posted by lb on April 13, 2002

: where has "wolf whistle" come from as a cant whistle.

This source doesn't have how old the expression is.

WOLF WHISTLE - "A whistle made by a male at the sight of a female, expressing sexual admiration. It usually consists of two notes, one rising, the other descending. The name implies that the male is 'hungry,' like a wolf." From the Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable revised by Adrian Room (HarperCollinsPublishers, New York, 1999, Sixteenth Edition).

The wolf whistle is used by Wolfie (I don't know his "real" name) in Tex Avery cartoons like "Swing Shift Cinderella." There are several Tex Avery sites online including www.imagesjournal.com/ issue06/features/texavery3.htm