Can someone make it 8?

Posted by ESC on April 01, 2002

In Reply to: Sudden crisis of confidence posted by Word Camel on April 01, 2002

: : I heard this new explanation of the origins of OK on National Public Radio this morning and interupted my morning coffee to share it with you.

: : Camel

: Of course it is April 1st....

These definitions are similar to those found in references. So I don't think it's a leg-pull. We are now up to seven theories (for information from the archives, search under Okay):

1 Orrin Kendall biscuits, which soldiers ate during the Civil War.
2. Short for Aux Cayes, a Haitian port that American sailors praised for its rum.
3. Old Keokuk, a Native American tribal chief who was said to have signed treaties with his initials.
4. OK stands for "all correct" or the illiterate phrase "Orl Korrect."
5. U.S. President Martin Van Buren's nickname "Old Kinderhook" -- OK for short. He was a native of Kinderhook, N.Y.
6. Choctaw word "okeh," meaning "indeed."
7. Scottish "auch aye", meaning "ah yes."