WWJD - What Would Jesus Do?

Posted by ESC on January 19, 2002

WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? (WWJD) - From a Washington Post article by Lonnae O'Neal Parker (reprinted in the Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader Jan. 19, 2002)about businesspeople who use Biblical tenets to guide decisions: ".Mitchell's mother gave him a copy of pastor Charles Sheldon's 'In His Steps.' Written in 1896 and reprinted extensively during the next hundred years, it is the devotional story of a group of townspeople who decide to make the question 'What Would Jesus Do?' their guiding principle. WWJD has since spawned the popular movement with bracelets and necklaces asking the same question. During the 2000 presidential election, it was the question Al Gore said he often asked himself when faced with a difficult decision."