Done over

Posted by ESC on December 22, 2006

In Reply to: ´im gonna do you´ posted by pamela on December 22, 2006

: : : : : : : hello! I would like to ask what exactly means ´im gonna do you´.( Not used in context like doing a favour or something.) It was used in British English and I am wondering wether it is a slang and what it means.
: : : : : : Yes, it is British slang. It's always said with a heavy meaningful stress on "do", and is short for a number of cheery phrases - "do you a damage", "do you over" (meaning, "beat you up very thoroughly") "do for you" (finish you off, literally or figuratively) or even - though rarely - "do you in" (kill you). (VSD)

: : : : : In US English, it can be a crude promise to have sex with you ... with an implied bit of force

: : : : I don't know to what degree U.S. television mirrors life, or whether it is as often the other way around, but on TV "to do someone" can be the act of either a man or a woman. And perhaps because men often gravitate towards the crudest verb around, it's at least as often women (sometimes, but not always, fallen ones) who use this expression to describe their activities with a man. It's my impression that this meaning of "do" is a recent one.

: : : : I'm relying on the absence of any adverb in manca's question to define it as above. Were she to have said "I'm gonna do you next," the speaker could be a hairdresser or some other provider of personal servides.
: : : : SS

: : : What, has no one flayed me for my last post? In talking about personal services, who could be a more obvious provider of personal services than a woman who promises that she's going to do you.
: : : Actually, I'm waiting for manca to give us a bit more of the context than she has. "I'm gonna do you" sounds a bit threatening. Victoria is probably close to the truth.
: : : SS

: : I'm reminded of Tim the Enchanter's warning to King Arthur's knights about the killer rabbit: "He'll do you up a treat, mate!"

: : I'm also reminded of the teenaged female character on an episode of House last year, who chided her middle aged, divorced father, chirping, "Next time you do Mom, use a rubber."

: For some reason "I'm gunna do you like a dinner pops into my mind, although from where I know not. In Australia "Do you" means either "have sex with" or "injure" depending on context. The injury can be literal or figurative. Pamela

Related phrase: done over. In this movie, Patch of Blue , the young woman was relatively helpless because she was blind and a man had "taken advantage." This is a conversation with another man who befriended her.

Selina D'Arcy: [Gordon kisses Selina on forehead] Was that a kiss?
Gordon Ralfe: [Nodding] It was a kiss.
Selina D'Arcy: Kiss me again.
[Gordon kisses her forehead again]
Selina D'Arcy: [Grabs Gordon's face and kisses him on the lips] Oh Gordon... Gordon... oh I wish I'd never been done over.
Gordon Ralfe: [Pulls her away] What did you say?
Selina D'Arcy: Nothing.
Gordon Ralfe: I'm sorry. You were much sinned against.
Selina D'Arcy: Are you angry with me. Do you think I'm bad... dirty?
Gordon Ralfe: No.
Selina D'Arcy: I said what I said because I love you so much.
Gordon Ralfe: I know why you said it. I'm glad you said it. You brought me back to Earth.
Selina D'Arcy: I didn't want you to come back to Earth. I wanted you to make love with me.